【2010年6月28日 ウィーン】 医学および保健政策分野の主要3団体は本日、違法薬物政策に科学的根拠を求め、コミュニティの保健と安全状況を改善するためのウィーン宣言( www.viennadeclaration.com )に署名を呼びかける世界規模の活動を開始した。HIVの発見者としてノーベル医学生理学賞を受賞した国際エイズ学会(IAS)理事のフランソワーズ・バレシヌシ博士らがすでに署名し、他の人にも署名を呼びかけている。
ウィーン宣言は第18回国際エイズ会議( AIDS2010 )の公式宣言である。国際エイズ会議は隔年で開かれ、今年7月18日から23日までウィーンで開催予定の第18回会議には、2万人以上のHIV分野の専門家が参加する見込みである( http://www.aids2010.org )。
ウィーン宣言は従来の「war on drugs(ドラッグとの戦争)」のアプローチがもたらした被害を指摘し、こう述べている。
サハラ以南のアフリカ地域以外では、薬物注射による感染がHIV新規感染のほぼ3分の1を占めている。東欧、中央アジアなどHIV感染が急速に拡大している地域では、薬物注射による感染が主要な感染経路となっているところもある。注射針プログラムや代替薬物治療(OST)など科学的に有効性が証明されている予防サービスに対して障壁となる法律があることは、何千、何万という人が毎年、HIVやC型肝炎ウイルス(HCV)に感染することにつながる。薬物注射使用者を犯罪者として扱うことは、投獄者を増やし、納税者に大きな負担を加える結果にもなっている。HIVの流行は国際的に見て、さまざまな状況下での刑務所で起きてもいる。このことは、犯罪化政策が、家庭崩壊� ��生活手段の破壊とともに疾病の感染サイクルを生み出していることを示している。しかも、これらのコストは「war on drugs」の直接コストとともに、何ら計測可能な利益をもたらしていないのだ。
「薬物政策における現行のアプローチは、効果が証明され根拠に基づいた介入策を無視し、巨額の公的な資金と人材を高額で無意味な強制手段に注ぎ込んでいるために効果がないのだ」と科学的薬物政策国際センター(ICSP)の創設者でブリティッシュ・コロンビア大学医学部准教授のエヴァン・ウッド博士はいう。「いまやwar on drugsは失敗したことを認め、イデオロギーではなく根拠に基づいて、コミュニティの保健と安全を実際に守ることのできる薬物政策を生み出すべきときだ」
「AIDS2010のテ� �マRights Here, Right Now(いまここでこそ、人権を)を反映して、ウィーン宣言は、世界の薬物政策は有効性を目指すなら薬物使用者の人権を尊重しなければならないという考え方に根ざしている」とAIDS2010の地元組織委員会共同会長であるオーストリア・エイズ協会長、ブリジット・シュミット博士は話す。「薬物常用に詳しい人なら、個人に対しても、家族に対しても、コミュニティ全体に対してもネガティブな影響があることは誰も否定しないだろう。だが、そうした被害があるからといって、人権の侵害を正当化することはできない。違法薬物を常用する人は、根拠に基づく薬物治療を受ける権利がある。感染症予防策の権利がある。そして、HIVに感染しているとすれば、抗レトロウイルス治療への権利がある」
ウィーン宣言は国際的な医学者お� ��び他の分野の専門家のチームにより、草案が作成された。専門家の多くは来月開かれるAIDS2010に参加する予定である。宣言作成は、国際エイズ学会(IAS)、科学的薬物政策国際センター(ICSP)、カナダのバンクーバーにある・ブリティッシュ・コロンビア州HIV/エイズ研究センターによって進められてきた。
署名は、宣言全文と草案執筆者リストが掲載されている のサイトでできます。2ページの宣言は、薬物政策に対する公衆衛生アプローチの有効性、薬物使用者を犯罪者として扱うアプローチのネガティブな結果に関する科学的根拠に言及した28の報告を参考にしている。
The Vienna Declaration: A Global Call to Action for Science-based Drug Policy
In Lead Up to XVIII International AIDS Conference, Scientists and Other Leaders Call for Reform of International Drug Policy and Urge Others to Sign-on
28 June 2010 [Vienna, Austria] – Three leading scientific and health policy organizations today launched a global drive for signatories to the Vienna Declaration (www.viennadeclaration.com), a statement seeking to improve community health and safety by calling for the incorporation of scientific evidence into illicit drug policies. Among those supporting the declaration and urging others to sign is 2008 Nobel Laureate and International AIDS Society (IAS) Governing Council member Prof. Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, co-discoverer of HIV.
The Vienna Declaration is the official declaration of the XVIII International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2010), the biennial meeting of more than 20,000 HIV professionals, taking place in Vienna, Austria from 18 to 23 July 2010 (www.aids2010.org).
"Many of us in AIDS research and care confront the devastating impacts of misguided drug policies every day," said AIDS 2010 Chair Dr. Julio Montaner, President of the IAS and Director of the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS. "These policies fuel the AIDS epidemic and result in violence, increased crime rates and destabilization of entire states – yet there is no evidence they have reduced rates of drug use or drug supply. As scientists, we are committed to raising our collective voice to promote evidence-based approaches to illicit drug policy that start by recognizing that addiction is a medical condition, not a crime."
The Vienna Declaration describes the known harms of conventional "war on drugs" approaches and states:
"The criminalisation of illicit drug users is fuelling the HIV epidemic and has resulted in overwhelmingly negative health and social consequences. A full policy reorientation is needed…Reorienting drug policies towards evidence-based approaches that respect, protect and fulfill human rights has the potential to reduce harms deriving from current policies and would allow for the redirection of the vast financial resources towards where they are needed most: implementing and evaluating evidence-based prevention, regulatory, treatment and harm reduction interventions."
Outside of sub-Saharan Africa, injecting drug use accounts for approximately one in three new cases of HIV. In some areas of rapid HIV spread, such as Eastern Europe and Central Asia, injecting drug use is the primary cause of new HIV infections. Legal barriers to scientifically proven prevention services such as needle programmes and opioid substitution therapy (OST) mean hundreds of thousands of people become infected with HIV and Hepatitis C (HCV) every year. The criminalization of people who inject drugs has also resulted in record incarceration rates placing a massive burden on the taxpayer. HIV outbreaks have also been reported in prisons in various settings internationally. This emphasis on criminalization produces a cycle of disease transmission, along with broken homes and livelihoods destroyed. Yet these costs, along with the more direct costs of the 'war on drugs', produce no measurable benefits.
"The current approach to drug policy is ineffective because it neglects proven and evidencebased interventions, while pouring a massive amount of public funds and human resources into expensive and futile enforcement measures," said Dr. Evan Wood, founder of the International Centre for Science in Drug Policy (ICSDP) and Clinical Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia. "It's time to accept the war on drugs has failed and create drug policies that can meaningfully protect community health and safety using evidence, not ideology."
The Vienna Declaration calls on governments and international organizations, including the United Nations, to take a number of steps, including:
• undertake a transparent review the effectiveness of current drug policies;
• implement and evaluate a science-based public health approach to address the harms stemming from illicit drug use;
• scale up evidence-based drug dependence treatment options;
• abolish ineffective compulsory drug treatment centres that violate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; and
• unequivocally endorse and scale up funding for the drug treatment and harm reduction measures endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations.
The declaration also calls for the meaningful involvement of people who use drugs in developing, monitoring and implementing services and policies that affect their lives.
"As a scientist, I strongly support drug policies that are based on evidence of what actually works," said Prof. Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, Director of the Regulation of Retroviral Infections Unit at the Institute Pasteur, IAS Governing Council member and recipient of the 2008 Nobel Prize for Medicine. "I join with my colleagues around the world today to sign the Vienna Declaration in support of science-driven policies and human rights."
The effectiveness of opioid substitution therapy (OST) and needles and syringe programmes is well-documented, though access to such interventions is often limited where HIV is spreading most rapidly. According to various scientific reviews conducted by WHO, the US Institutes of Medicine and others, these programmes reduce HIV rates without increasing rates of drug use. These cost-effective interventions also produce significant savings in future health care costs, and help people who use drugs access health care and drug treatment. No evidence exists demonstrating negative consequences of use of these programmes.
"Reflecting the AIDS 2010 theme of Rights Here, Right Now, the Vienna Declaration is rooted in the belief that global drug policy must respect the human rights of people who use drugs if it is to be at all effective," said AIDS 2010 Local Co-Chair Dr. Brigitte Schmied, President of the Austrian AIDS Society. "No one who is familiar with addiction would deny the negative impacts it has on individuals, families and entire communities, but those harms do not justify human rights violations. People addicted to illicit drugs have the right to evidence-based drug treatment, to interventions to prevent infection, and, if they are living with HIV, to antiretroviral treatment."
The Vienna Declaration was drafted by an international team of scientists and other experts, many of whom will participate in AIDS 2010 next month. It was initiated by the IAS, the International Centre for Science in Drug Policy (ICSDP), and the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS based in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Those wishing to sign on may visit www.viennadeclaration.com, where the full text of the declaration, along with a list of authors, is available. The two-page declaration references 28 reports, describing the scientific evidence documenting the effectiveness of public health approaches to drug policy and the negative consequences of approaches that criminalize drug users.
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